New Possibilities

Your first visit to a Limb Centre

Limb Centres are known by a variety of different names including: Disability Service Centre, Disablement Service Centre or Mobility Centres. A first visit to your local centre is about getting to know the team and the services they offer. 

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Some are able to offer or  refer for psychological support if it is ever needed and the support they offer as a child starts nursery and the transition points into school can be invaluable. Click the link above to find your most local centre.

If you have an older child who has never been to their centre, a referral from a health professional such as a GP or health visitor is needed to make an appointment.  We encourage at least 1 visit – it might not be relevant for your child now but in a few years there may be something the Occupational Therapist, Physios or prosthestist will be able to assist with.

Reach member Amy Newman reports on her recent experience.

Just thought I’d let you know that we have just been to our first appointment at our Mobility Centre with our 11 week old baby who is missing her left hand and shortened forearm. We found the first meeting which was with a consultant, occupational therapist and prosthetics specialist very helpful in getting to know the team. When our daughter is a little bigger they have offered a cosmetic arm which they say is more just to familiarise her with an arm rather then to make her wear it religiously. We originally decided we wouldn’t make her wear anything until she can decide but if they are offering this at this stage then we might take them up on it. We won’t make her wear it if she doesn’t want to and It doesn’t matter if she turns out not to like it but at least the option is there for her. They told us about the help they can provide such as school aids, bike adaptations and electronic prosthetics.

We have been given a phone number and can call the centre anytime we feel we need anything which is good.

Finally, they knew about Reach which was good and they walked into the room with the latest copy of Within Reach under their arm, the best bit was we could flick through it and show them that our baby’s photo in there as a new member!