New Possibilities

What to expect: referrals and appointments

What to expect from the NHS:

A baby born with an upper limb difference should be referred to a specialist service which deals with upper limbs.

The most important referral (unless there are other health problems) will be to your local NHS Limb or Mobility Centre or you may be offered a choice of centres. Your child will need a referral from a health professional such as GP, midwife, health visitor or paediatrician. The terminology may be slightly different for each centre, but they will all offer a range of prosthetic, orthotic and mobility services within a consultant led Multi-Disciplinary Team. Limb centres will employ a mixture of some or all the following health professionals. Some are run by a private company contracted to the NHS.

You may be referred to a plastic surgeon at an NHS hand clinic, a paediatrician, geneticist or orthopaedic surgeon. Our members have experience of a range of surgical procedures and conditions and one of the most valuable things we can offer is to put you in touch with other families who have experience to share.

  • Consultant in Rehab medicine – Often a primary role in a multidisciplinary team providing specialist care and attending to the medical needs of your child.
  • Prosthetists – is responsible for the manufacture and maintenance of your child’s prosthesis (artificial limb) or device.
  • Technician – may advise or design specialist equipment
  • Occupational Therapists – assist you and your child to achieve maximum independence skills, with or without a prosthesis, both at home and at school
  • Physiotherapist – assists your child to gain independence with mobility.  Also they will assist your child to maintain good strength and range of movement of their joints.
  • Counsellor – provides safe, supportive confidential environment to explore worries or concerns