New Possibilities

Extra digits and extra joined digits with joined digits Polydactyly and Polysyndactyly

What is Polydactyly?

Illustrated example of Polydactyly, with an extra, complete digit
Illustrated example of Polydactyly, with an extra, split digit

Polydactyly is one of the most common hand conditions present at birth. The condition can appear as any form of an extra digit, anywhere from a small, raised area to a complete digit. The affected digit may also appear “split.”

What causes Polydactyly?

In some cases, polydactyly is genetic, but it can also accompany other hand conditions, such as syndactyly (webbed fingers.) It is then called:

Complex Polysyndactyly

This is a situation where there is a combination of extra digits which are joined together. It can be associated with other syndromes which can be passed down in families.

How is Polydactyly treated?

Treatment for polydactyly varies in complexity. A minor procedure under local anaesthetic shortly after birth, can remove small extra digits or those with a narrow base. However, when the base is broad or if the extra digit is rooted deeply in the hand, reconstructive surgery may be the best option when the child is old enough to safely undergo an elective procedure. Operating on the bone, joint, ligaments or tendons may be necessary to create the most functional hand possible for the child.
