I worked for a major bank for 36 years before taking an early retirement.
For the last 9 years I have engaged in charitable activities including: Reach; St John Ambulance; The Hedgehogs (a charity based in Farnham raising funds for people in need, and am currently a Trustee and Treasurer); Brightwell Gostrey a community charity as a Trustee and meals-on-wheels driver, and Scouting – where I act as a District Explorer Scout Commissioner, District Trustee board member, District Treasurer, a Group Scout Leader, DofE administrator and expedition assessor, as well as running an Explorer Scout unit. I previously acted as a Trustee and FD for Reach, when the then Trustee Chairman asked me to offer my financial acumen to the Charity, whilst Reach was experiencing some financial concerns. I was approached by the Trustees to return to this role following the recent changes in the Trustee board to assist with financial continuance of the Charity.
I have a son who is a senior biomedical scientist in haematology at a local general hospital, and a daughter who is a senior compliance manager in corporate banking, and who has just presented me with my first granddaughter.