New Possibilities

Starting school

Explaining limb difference to your school community

Your child’s experience at school can be affected by how their limb difference is understood and talked about with the staff, students and the wider school community.

You may find that your school has low awareness and understanding, as it has never taught a child with limb difference before. This could be a learning experience for you all.

Try to ensure that the school works with you to help other students to understand your child’s limb difference in a way that suits your child. Speaking about it early will help to ensure that your child’s limb difference is demystified and help it to be positively accepted and understood by the wider school community.

Make sure your teacher understands your child’s limb difference

Your teacher will be an important ally in helping the school community to understand and accept your child’s limb difference. The first step is to ensure that your teacher understands your child’s difference. You should discuss with them how and if your child would like to talk about their limb difference, including the terminology you would like used.

Talk about limb difference with other students

Books are such an important resource to share, they open dialogue about uniqueness, inclusion and the beauty of diversity.

Click the images or here to check out this selection.

Another great resource by Reach (My Story – see below) to tell your child’s story, the teacher can use it to explain it to the others in the class to help them understand. We send out a copy in our new members pack.

Hold an information session about limb difference at school

You could ask to hold an information session about limb difference at school. It could be delivered by your child, you and/or their teacher. A session should only be held at school with your permission. Consider the age and maturity of the students who will be listening, and anticipate any difficult questions they might ask.

Some discussion points to consider:

  • why your child has a limb difference
  • dispel any common myths or worries that students may have, such as “Will I catch it?”
  • reinforce your child’s abilities and interests
  • explain any ways that peers can assist your child
  • bring prosthetic limbs, assistive devices and/or books to show to the group.

Start a ‘buddy system’

If a ‘buddy system’ doesn’t already exist in your child’s school, you may want to ask the school to appoint a volunteer ‘peer buddy’ for them. A buddy can promote friendships, assist with physical activities and create a sense of inclusivity and belonging. This may include one or more ‘buddies’ and could involve a student in your child’s class or one in an older year level.


My Story: helping explain limb difference

We have produced a lovely little booklet called My Story – I do it my way. Grab a copy and fill it in with your child; it can help explain being born with a limb difference to nursery and school friends. Please share this with teachers and support staff.

We have printed copies available by calling or emailing the office or you can download a printable version here.