New Possibilities

How Reach help

Branch Events

Meet and connect with other families at our local branch events.

Our branch events are organised by our volunteer Reach members who are committed to helping families meet each other and share their experiences. This might be a Christmas Party, summer picnic or recently families have been to Climbing Centres and High Ropes courses – all the family are welcome, and the costs are subsidised by the fundraising our members undertake.

We have branches covering the whole of the UK and a sister organisation in Ireland!

I would love to thank the REACH charity for making it possible to meet other REACH families. The kids had fun and it helps parent know their children can still take part in activities irrespective of their limb difference. Parent, Ice-skating at Hampton Court with the

“We had an incredible time at Reach on the Beach. The families we met are lovely, Children super cool and the Reach team nailed it. The surfing was a great experience, and my Reach son had an incredible boost of self-confidence. Especially getting up on his surfboard. Polzeath is stunning! Can’t wait for the next one. Parent at Reach on the Beach SW,

She got to try things she would normally shy away from” Parent at Berkshire Branch Event Summer 23, Climbing

Click here to access the map of branch events, meet your local branch coordinator, and find out what’s happening in your area.